Thursday, April 7, 2011

What is important?

Spring is time for cleaning out the closets, the garage, the garden, the corrals, and that corner between the shop and the driveway where inconveniently shaped, un-splittable and therefore un-burnable tree stumps and broken pieces of unidentified equipment seem to accumulate. This is also a good time to sweep away the mental cobwebs and detritus of broken commitments, stymied and never to be completed projects, sidetracked plans and those ideas and goals that once attracted my attention but are no longer shiny or important, and are a drain on my energy.

I tend to have a hard time giving myself permission to move on. So, while I conduct the recurring battle that is the end of every semester (a project in itself that is loosing it's appeal), I think about what is most important and what I really want to do. I love teaching Ceramics in the studio. I am no longer entertained by teaching students psychology, and I really don't like the on-line Art History classes I am doing. I love being out in the woods at Maple Knoll, but I am really really tired of not having enough money to go around.

How can I arrange my life so that I make enough money doing what I really like to do to keep doing it, rather than doing things I don't like to make money to try to do what I like in my spare time? My next project is to figure this out.

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