Saturday, December 6, 2008

End of the Semester Some More

I have spent the morning entering grades for my two big Psychology classes. The students have done well, worked hard and most of them have learned something. Hopefully they will feel satisfied with the grades they have earned. This is part of why I like teaching the ceramics classes so much more than the psychology. In the pottery classes, the students get immediate feedback from the clay about how they are doing - how closely their skills and their ability to conceptualize coordinate with one another. In psychology it is much less clear to the students that having a firm opinion about an idea or a theory is not the same thing as understanding the theory clearly. Plus, in the psychology classes this semester I had much more of a problem with cheating than I usually do, so I am just not giving grades on some of the materials that they handed in. So, we will have to see how that goes....

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